Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Modern Furniture

The architectural design house will always change with a dynamic community cultural development. The development of technology and economy have changed the concept of human thinking.
When choosing a design architecture house building should not tailgate a trend that was loved by the people, because it could be the home design trends that you choose is not in harmony with the character of the inhabitants. Moreover, design trends do not last long and will continue to change.

Choose a home design that is able to display the beauty within (inner beauty) of the building, space tailored, flowing layout, interior design & Furniture Design in a simple and functional. The house is in harmony with the character of the inhabitants, tropical climate conditions, social culture, and environment.

Modern Interior Style, usually characterized by simple, plain, with a square shape or other geometric shapes, the line is clear, straight or curved, clean, without much decoration.

Although Modern Interior to say simple, simple does not mean that literally. Precisely because it requires furniture that is simple, without ornament or patch form of trinkets or flowers as usual at the ornate furniture, it is necessary to create a modern furniture design seriously.

Modern furniture as functional interior furnishings, though simple, should also be ergonomic, comfortable and convenient to use, and in accordance with its function

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Interior Bedroom Children

Stay in the room that looked like a scene in the world of imagination mereka.Seperti in the woods, the world in the sea, a doll world, the world bunga.Atau according to their imagination about your favorite cartoon character.

Children's bedrooms Women

The daughter loved beautiful things, funny, beautiful and colorful menarik.Motif or floral patterns, dolls, dresser and mirror as well as bright colors such as pink domination, feminine impressive is definitely very appealing to little girls who have started to want to dress up , play dolls with her peers.

Interior design bedroom boys

The imagination of the watching your favorite cartoon character on television is usually a dominant accent in the bedroom boys.While their favorite hobby or sport will look at typical furniture that needed to store the objects hobby and sports equipment mereka.Ruang laki2 sleeping child tends to reflect a strong personality through their favorite activities in a more assertive colors or customize the theme of cartoon character favorite / superhero.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Bedroom Interior Design

The bedroom is the most special place for everyone. Especially you who have been paired, the bedroom has become a very comfortable room privacy. But if lately feel bored with your bedroom decor, it's time to do something different.

Paint bedroom with romantic colors. Although impressed simple, but the color of wall paint is one of the most important factor in giving the impression of a room. In accordance with a romantic theme, change the color of a room with wall paint colors that can represent it.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Indoor Garden Design

Unwind, chat with family, enjoying a cup of coffee, can all find inspiration in lakuan in your own home.

Home page with very limited or no external page or similar residential apartments, a choice in the home garden can be the perfect solution to continue to have a home garden. Natural beauty will shine from within the home and evoke the atmosphere of calm which is so soothing.

We can start from a plant that easily maintained, requires no special treatment and do not need frequent watering. Once familiar with park maintenance in house, we can choose a plant or a variety of other flowers.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Interior of natural stone

Create an impression of nature in a room, use of natural stone is the choice of most people. The impression given by each type of natural stone is different. There is a strong character, soft, natural, clean. For that we need to recognize the first type of this type of natural stone, so precisely in the application design in later.

Stone Temple
This form of stone slabs. Easily absorb water because of large porous. Coarse texture. When exposed to water, the color is more dark stone. Usually the black. Available Size: 10 cm x 20 cm, 15 cm x 30 cm and 20 cm x 20 cm. There is also a larger size, ranging from 20 cm x 30 cm, 20 cm x 40 cm and 40 cm x 40 cm.

Generally used on the exterior of the temple stones. For example on the porch, hallway, and fencing. However, there might be used on the interior of the temple stones. Usually only a sweetener room.

Unlike stone temple, sandstone has a smoother texture.Assisted manufacturing process penghalus machine. Colors were brighter. There are yellow, green, brown, and white. The common sizes sold are 10 cm x 10 cm to 20 cm x 40 cm.

This stone is suitable in all rooms, exterior and interior. As an accent wall or floor. However, if applications in room sandstone exterior coating needs to process. High level of porosity that makes it easy to damp stones and overgrown with moss.

Stone River
Chunks of the main characteristics of stone. This stone is used for the foundation. Even so, there are also stone slabs. The shape and size is usually irregular. These stone slabs used for coating walls or floors.

The shape and size of irregular clearly make the installation process is a bit complicated. Need handyman expert so it neat.

Andesite Stone

This stone is the loudest among the commonly used natural stone.The smallest porosity level due to porous meeting. The color is dark. Sizes available from 5 cm x 20 cm, to 20 cm x 40 cm, with a thickness of 3-4 cm.

As well as sandstone, the use of this stone fits in any room.Patterns are widely used is stacking bricks. This pattern makes the structure of wallcoverings is strong because each binding.

A harmonious Arrangement of Living Room

The theme of the room setting determines the results obtained, one theme will be felt more focused than many themes. Technical workmanship will be much easier.

The theme design will affect the layout of space, application materials, and color selection. The theme was also later revealed in the pattern of lighting the entire room. Including the shape and color of furniture, accessories, and other trinkets.