Climate change is often the case as requires us to find ways to reduce hot air into the house. Kebannyakan anyone make the air conditioner (AC) as the main solution. In fact, the house can still be cool even without air conditioning at all, with a note, the house has many openings such as windows or bouven to wind circulation path.
However, for densely populated urban areas, the heat will be enough to sting and probably quite difficult solution. Because when opening a lot, definitely a lot of dust which will go well. Not surprisingly, the option to not use more air conditioning was applied in a cool area or minimal dust pollution, are rarely applied in large cities.
Home without using air conditioning can be designed, but it all depends on the climate, location, topography, and coordinates, including the zone area where the house? There are a number of strategies in terms of designing a house without air conditioning.
The first starts from the home atas.Sebaiknya sloped enough. The purpose other than to avoid leakage, also creates a larger volume of space to heat its transmission loss. About the slope of the roof tends to vary, from a very gentle slope up to the most steep. All depends finishing material used to cover the roof.
For example, the concrete We can design a roof that is flat. Flat in the sense Nyaru slope. The important thing is not stagnant water. As for the type of cover material made of asbestos and polycarbonate, the slope can be started from about 10 degrees. If the cover material from metalroof, we can begin on the slope of 15 degrees. We recommend that you select a roofing material that has the ability to reflect heat. For example, clay or concrete tiles are glazed.
Second, the design of openings. You do this by considering temperature perceived by room occupants. In the physics building is in a comfort zone usually has a temperature range between 22-30 degrees Celsius. In addition, by knowing the speed and volume of wind coming into the house. The calculation by analyzing the inlet, which is a lot of openings or air intake and outlet openings much air out. Should not be forgotten we must consider the location of the house and neighborhood. Both of these are key to locate the appropriate openings in a home. For example, our house is located in a residential area. So we must note is part of the left and right of the house, whether the building is higher or lower? When the building is higher, look for the wind direction position openings are not blocked by the building. So even with the wind speed. The wind speed here can determine the factors of vegetation or plants that will be used.
Technical Problem get around openings not be difficult. The problem lies precisely in the location of our buildings or residential design or occupy. For that, every open space should intersect directly with the open space. How, by designing the two openings on two opposite walls so that wind can have its flow.
Note also the high ceilings in the house. the higher the ceiling, of heat from the outside getting reduced down to the floor. However, do not forget the proportion of space within and the concept must be considered.
Problem model, usually a house in the tropics is likely to be designed with multiple openings. While the models of traditional houses, almost the average occupant penghawaan design systems from the roof of the house. "But in principle, all the homes that we design can not use the AC, except in the subtropical region, which has four seasons. If another snow season, they even need a heater
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