Friday, January 7, 2011

Presenting Swimming Pool in Our Home

The swimming pool is one of the complementary elements of the house. Its presence is increasingly in demand lately, so the design of the pool becomes more diverse.
It takes design a suitable house for the pool was a nice and interesting according to the aesthetics of building a house. Creating a pool design must by no means arbitrary. Many factors must be taken to ensure that its presence can be in accordance with the design of the main building.

There are some things we need to think about to make a swimming pool:
First, ideas and thoughts are ripe. Having a swimming pool at home can be a good choice if the occupant is a hobby swim. However, we sometimes do not think about other things as well. To create a swimming pool needed a wide area. Therefore, a large area to support the comfort and security of its users. But now many of the fiberglass swimming pool sold, so the pool at any time can be movable to another place to taste. Although less practical, in fact, use of pools of this type can be used as a solution by homeowners who have a narrow area.

Second, functionality. What is the function that we wish to achieve from the pool that we created? Is it only a matter of aesthetics, luxury, or something else like to exercise and health reasons.

Third, the budget. Budget divided in two: for the manufacture and maintenance. To manufacture will greatly influence the areas and volumes of ponds, pond shape, or material which would be used. Budget considered important because it will relate to care in the future. Meanwhile, for the maintenance budget allocated for cleansing and antikuman substances in the pond. In addition, there are other costs, such as for lighting a pool at night or water pump.

Fourth, the location of the pond. In general, a swimming pool built in the back of the house, although some are placed next to the house and even around the dwelling. The location of this pool is associated with aesthetics. A good swimming pool is designed with the arrangement and shape that fits. Likewise Other aspects such as landscapes are arranged neatly, so the house looks more attractive. Design house pool model did influence that will be made, if the house is dominated soft colors, the swimming pool was advised to apply a soft color palette. In contrast, if the house we live in applying the color contrast, the pool should use a contrasting color as well, eg the floor of pink and purple edges.

Fifth, Privacy. Generally, residents of the house to make a swimming pool with reasons for wanting to get some privacy. Thus, privacy is also important to note. Take for example, a Muslim woman would not open his private parts in public. So, they chose to make a pond in their own homes in order to remain able to swim through his hobby.

Various Functions Swimming Pool
The swimming pool has a variety of functions. Not only display the aesthetic function, but also related to health and hobbies. In addition, the swimming pool is also able to strengthen the relationship between family members. The swimming pool is not just an arena for swimming, but also an integral tool family. You see, the nuclear family with a different family home or other relatives can use this pool to conduct joint activities.

Swimming pools can even raise the value of selling the house. This means a swimming pool also has a function economically. But all that remains back to prospective buyers, because there are some people who do not want a swimming pool located in their home area. The reason, maintenance is expensive and not safe for children.

For those who like to swim, the presence of a swimming pool at home is certainly very desirable. When the pool was indeed functioned to swim, should be formed rectangle. Usually the minimum length of the pool should be sufficient or at least adapted to the existing standard. 

The pool is equipped with a rope that can float or footing. Form a pool also can be adjusted to taste and aesthetics, we can make heart-shaped swimming pool, oval, or even eight figures that in the middle of a small coconut trees planted.

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